Valium Order Overnight Delivery go Español – Ultimamente mucha gente en Latinoamerica me estuvieron preguntando donde se pueden conseguir los samples/SFX que se escuchan en los mixtapes y sets en vivo de reggae, y aca por fin les paso un link donde pueden descargar varios, 100% gratis! Biggups a Deadly Dragon Sound de NYC por haberlos subido a su pagina ACA. see English – Lately a lot of people in Latin America have been asking me where they can get their hands on reggae samples/SFX for their mixtapes and live sets, and here we leave you with a link where you can download several, 100% free! Biggups to Deadly Dragon Sound outta NYC for offering them up on their site HERE.
see Pingback: » REGGAE SFX 2 – GRATIS! hola busco librerias o samples tipo reggae por fa!